Hongseok Oh


Hi nice to meet you all, I’m Hongseok [/hoŋsʰʌk̚/]. I’m pursuing a Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Artificial Intelligence at University of California, San Diego.

Before embarking the academic journey, I worked at Deeply Inc. as an AI research engineer with Myeonghoon Ryu. we thrived to add meaning to omnipresent sound. Also, I completed my undergradute degree at Yonsei University in information and industrial engineering.


Mar 6, 2024 I accepted an internship offer to join Qualcomm as a Machine Learning Engineer Intern with the Speech Models & Algorithms team for the summer of 2024 ☀️🧑‍💻
Feb 1, 2024 I’m starting a new position as Graduate Student Researcher at Qualcomm Institute! 👨‍🔬
Jan 23, 2024 The preprint of our recent paper accepted to 2024 IEEE ICASSP has been released! 📚
Dec 16, 2023 I officially finished the first quarter at UCSD. I am so proud to get off on the right foot! 👣
Dec 14, 2023 Our work on robust sound event classification using CycleGAN was accepted to ICASSP 2024!

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selected publications

  1. mic-conversion.gif
    Microphone Conversion: Mitigating Device Variability in Sound Event Classification
    Hongseok Oh, Myeonghoon Ryu, Suji Lee, and 1 more author
    In ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2024